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dc.contributor.authorSingh, Ranjay K-
dc.contributor.authorSingh, Anamika-
dc.contributor.authorSureja, Amish K-
dc.description.abstractThe study demonstrates the significance of ethnobotanical resources used for ensuring the food and nutritional security conserved by the tribal women of Chattisgarh state. The study was conducted among the tribal women of Halba, Mandiya, Bhatra and Muriya communities of Jagdalpur-Bastar district, Chhatisgarh. Data pertaining to study were recorded by using the participatory approach. Study revealed that there are more than 20 major ethnobotanical resources prevalent in the tribal community, which is being consumed in the forms of leaves, bulbs, plants and fruits. Few of the ethnic vegetables, like charoti, koliari, siliari, chench, bodi and jheera are mostly available in the rainy season and vary in its consumption percentage on account of extent of availability. Few of these ethnic plants are wild and few are domesticated in the kitchen garden for its conservation and sustainable use. Wild indigenous mushroom species namely, banse, jam and mane chhati are the nutritious source of foods and are available in the month of July-August. These ethnobotanical resources provide nutritional security as well as play a multifunctional role in curing several diseases. These varieties are economically sustainable on account of stable marketing. However, there was variation (15-90%) in the consumption of these ethnic plants depending upon availability and duration. No cost nature, stable source of income, compatibility to culture and local availability are the factors responsible for continuous consumption of the identified ethnic vegetables. Different socio-cultural, spiritual and high ethical values attached with these ethnobotanical resources play a pivotal role in its sustainable use and conservation.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesInt. Cl.⁸: A61K36/00, A61P15/00, A61P15/02, A61P19/00, A61P19/02, A61P29/00en_US
dc.sourceIJTK Vol.6(3) [July 2007]en_US
dc.subjectTribal womenen_US
dc.subjectEthnobotanical resourcesen_US
dc.subjectEthnic vegetablesen_US
dc.subjectForest resourcesen_US
dc.subjectHalba tribeen_US
dc.subjectMandiya tribeen_US
dc.subjectBhatra tribeen_US
dc.subjectMuriya tribeen_US
dc.titleSustainable use of ethnobotanical resourcesen_US
Appears in Collections:IJTK Vol.06(3) [July 2007]

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