IJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004] : [11] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
A comparative study of Suzuki and Kumar formulations for thermal expansivityKumar, MunishIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]67-70
Study of low field magneto-resistance in La0.67A0.33MnO3 [A ≡ Ca, Ba, Sr] screen printed filmsKhare, Neeraj; Moharil, U P; Singh, B; Gupta, A KIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]62-66
Switching responses of ferroelectric liquid crystalsKhosla, Samriti; Raina, K KIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]49-55
Electronic state in -gallium using Compton scattering techniqueJain, Rajesh; Ahuja, B L; Sharma, B KIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]43-48
Fe content variation and superconducting order parameter dimensionality in ErBa2Cu3-xFexO7-Upreti, U CIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]38-42
An impedance model to improve the higher frequency limit of electrical measurements on the capacitor cell made from electrodes of finite resistancesDhar, RavindraIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]56-61
Thermo-economic analysis of regenerative heat enginesBandyopadhyay, SantanuIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]31-37
Sound velocity change in BaxSr1-xTio3 perovskitesKumar, Ashok; Naithani, U C; Semwal, B SIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]18-24
Mössbauer and infrared studies of manganese doped iron borate glassesLal, Roshan; Sharma, N D; Sharma, H K; Chandra, KailashIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]25-30
Universal time formulation of special relativityVachaspatiIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]5-11
Growth impedence of pure CdS filmsSoliman, L I; Afify, H H; Battisha, I KIJPAP Vol.42(01) [January 2004]12-17
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11