IJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005] : [14] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
The pendula in mathematical sciencesKaushal, R SIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]479-488
High output impedance current-mode universal filterShah, N A; Rather, M F; Iqbal, S ZIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]556-558
Dielectric and conformational studies of methanol + ketone systemsMadhurima, VIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]550-555
X-ray K-absorption fine structure studies on some copper(II) complexesVyas, R K; Joshi, S K; Shrivastava, B D; Shah, M C; Prasad, JIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]509-516
Assessment of the natural radioactivity and its radiological hazards in some Egyptian rock phosphatesAbbady, AIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]489-493
Structural and magnetic properties of Mn1+xSixFe1-xCr1-xO4 systemVyawahare, S K; Shamkuwar, N R; Sable, Madan CIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]545-549
Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of Ge40Te60 and Ge38Sn2Te60 alloysAhmed, A MIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]535-541
Thermoelectric power of mixed tungsten sulphoselenide single crystals grown by vapour phase techniquePatel, J B; Parmar, M N; Deshpande, M P; Solanki, G K; Agarwal, M KIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]527-531
Low energy gamma-ray spectrometry — A technique for estimation of high grade uranium in geological samplesJegannathan, G; Satyamurthy, Padma; Sathyanarayanan, LIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]494-502
Dielectric relaxation studies of ternary liquid mixtures of aniline and substituted anilines with acetonitrile in the microwave regionKalaivani, T; Kumar, S; Krishnan, SIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]542-544
Hydrogen diffusion in Fe0.5Ti0.5—Quantum isotope effectGibson, M Stalin Mano; Lawrence, NIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]532-534
Design of high power pump source of eye safe laser for geo-scientific applicationSingh, P K; Mittal, S K; Singh, Manjeet; Sharma, B KIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]517-521
Bright-blue organic electroluminescent device based on bis (2-methyl 8-quinolinolato) (triphenyl siloxy) aluminiumMisra, Aparna; Kumar, Pankaj; Dhawan, S K; Kamalasanan, M N; Chandra, SubhasIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]522-526
Vibrational spectra and normal coordinate analysis of nalidixic acidGunasekaran, S; Natarajan, R K; Rathikha, R; Syamala, DIJPAP Vol.43(07) [July 2005]503-508
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14