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Title: Mössbauer, X-ray and magnetization studies of basic volcanic and hyperbasal rocks
Authors: Lal, Roshan
Sharma, N D
Taneja, S P
Chandra, Kailash
Keywords: Mössbauer parameters;Magnetic susceptibility;Mössbauer spectroscopy;X-ray diffraction
Issue Date: Feb-2005
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: G01N 23/00, 24/00
Abstract:  The 57Fe Mössbauer, X-ray diffraction and magnetic susceptibility studies were carried on two samples, basic volcanic (basalt) and hyperbasal (dolerite) rocks, collected from Kundal area of Rajasthan, India to identify iron-bearing minerals. Room temperature Mössbauer parameters of basalt sample show the presence of hematite (Fe2O3), aluminium substituted magnesioferrite [Mg(Fe2-xAlx)O4] and illite. Iron is present as both Fe3+ and Fe2+ in illite. Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility measurements shows no transition around 120 K (Verway transition) for both the samples, indicating existence of (Mg, Al) substituted spinel ferrites. These results have been corroborated by X-diffraction and chemical analysis of the samples.
Page(s): 119-122
ISSN: 0975-1041 (Online); 0019-5596 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJPAP Vol.43(02) [February 2005]

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