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dc.contributor.authorYadav, B C-
dc.contributor.authorShukla, R K-
dc.contributor.authorBali, L M-
dc.identifier.issn0975-1041 (Online); 0019-5596 (Print)-
dc.description.abstractThe fabrication and characterization of a thick-film optical humidity sensor based on the semiconducting metal-oxide TiO2 have been described. The sensor element consists of a thin U-shaped borosil glass-rod having different curvature with a film of TiO2 deposited on it. The films prepared are dried and annealed at 600o C for two hours, which make them rutile, porous and very sensitive to humidity. Both the ends of the U-shaped glass-rods are coupled to optical fibers. Light from a He-Ne laser is launched in to the sensing element through one of them. Light received from the other fibre is fed into an optical power meter. Variations in the intensity of light with changes in humidity from 5% to 95% have been recorded.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesG06K 7/10en_US
dc.sourceIJPAP Vol.43(01) [January 2005]en_US
dc.subjectHumidity sensorsen_US
dc.subjectThick filmen_US
dc.subjectSol-gel processen_US
dc.titleSol-gel processed TiO2 films on U-shaped glass-rods as optical humidity sensoren_US
Appears in Collections:IJPAP Vol.43(01) [January 2005]

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