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Title: Preservation of bagasse using microbial growth/enzyme inhibitors as biotech preservatives
Authors: Yadav, K R
Patil, R P
Chaudhari, A B
Sharma, R K
Kothari, R M
Keywords: Bagasse;preservation;biotech preservatives;eco-friendly preservative;cost-effective preservation
Issue Date: Sep-2005
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: B27K9/00
Abstract: Exposure of bagasse to 4 biotech preservatives such as neembicide, multicide, copper sulphate and celphos (reference standard) was explored for its preservation at 200 kg scale for 6 months under ambient conditions, mimicking pulp and paper mill practices. Bacterial and fungal count, temperature and pH, reducing sugars and soluble content, fibre and pith content and cellulose/hemi-cellulose were monitored at a monthly frequency to judge the efficacy of the above preservatives. Among them, neembicide appeared to be superior to others, besides being cost-effective by virtue of superior fibre/cellulose protection, it is eco-friendly by virtue of being biodegradable and operationally practical preservative on the basis of parameters monitored. Its application is suggested for large scale trials.
Page(s): 528-533
ISSN: 0975-0991 (Online); 0971-457X (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJCT Vol.12(5) [September 2005]

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