IJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005] : [12] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Low-noise, high resolution microwave synthesis for atomic frequency standardsGupta, A Sen; Howe, D AIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]221-227
Theory and performance of an electrically controlled microwave phase shifterSarkar, S; Banerjee, T; Mondal, D; Sarkar, B CIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]215-220
Study of hyperfine fields in Co2ScSn Heusler alloyLakshmi, N; Pandey, Anil; Venugopalan, KIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]203-206
Catalyzed crystallization and some physical properties of Li2O-MgO-B2O3:TiO2 glassesRao, R Balaji; Raju, G Naga; Veeraiah, NIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]192-202
Role of hydrogen and oxygen on the band gap of silicon quantum dotsGhoshal, S K; Gupta, Umesh; Gill, Karan SinghIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]188-191
Stability of liquid metal Schottky contactsModi, B P; Mathai, Achamma John; Patel, K D; Pathak, V M; Srivastava, RIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]184-187
Characteristic Bhatia-Thornton static structure and diffusion coefficients of liquid LiNa and KPb alloysNath, P P; Joarder, R NIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]180-183
Refractive index of ternary liquid systems of squalane (+ hexane + benzene; + cyclohexane + benzene and + hexane + cyclohexane)Dubey, G P; Tripathi, N; Bhatia, S CIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]175-179
Crystal and molecular structure of o-thiobenzyl-N,N-dibenzylaniline (C27H25NS) Karmakar, Sanjib; Patowary, Kabita; Bhattacharjee, S K; Talukdar, A NIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]172-174
Ultrasonic studies of isomeric butyl alcohol in aqueous solutionsKannappan, V; Santhi, R JayaIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]167-171
Euclidean space dyon solutionsSingh, Vinod; Tripathi, B V; Joshi, D CIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]157-166
Electrical transport in solution-grown thin films of polyvinylidene fluorideSahu, Devendra K; Khare, P K; Srivastava, R KIJPAP Vol.43(03) [March 2005]207-214
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12