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dc.contributor.authorRaj, S Thampi-
dc.contributor.authorLipton, A P-
dc.contributor.authorChauhan, G S-
dc.identifier.issn0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print)-
dc.description.abstractPathogenic bacterium was isolated from infected parts of the captive reared seahorse. During the present investigation, high mortality with symptoms such as external white patches on the body and anorexic conditions were noted among laboratory-cultured seahorses, Hippocampus kuda. Bacteria isolated from internal organs of infected fish were biochemical homogenized and identified as Vibrio harvei. In infectivity studies with Tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, symptoms such as tail rot and erythemia were noted apart from the white skin. The lethal dose for Tilapia with average body weight of 8.8g was 8 × 106 cells/fish, while for seahorse with an average body weight of 6.2 g, it was 4×104 cells/fish.en_US
dc.sourceIJMS Vol.39(1) [March 2010]en_US
dc.subjectVibrio harveyien_US
dc.subjectHippocampus kudaen_US
dc.subjectPathogenic bacteriaen_US
dc.subjectWhite patch diseaseen_US
dc.subjectInfectivity of bacterial isolatesen_US
dc.titleCharacterization and infectivity evaluation of Vibrio harveyi causing white patch disease among captive reared seahorses, hippocampus kudaen_US
Appears in Collections:IJMS Vol.39(1) [March 2010]

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