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Title: Variable temperature oblique incidence reflection microscopy (VTOIRM) studies on (110) face of palmitic acid crystals
Authors: Shashikanth, P B
Rajgopal, K
Beyene, Beniyam
Prasad, P B V
Issue Date: Apr-2005
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: C30B
Abstract: Modifications noticed in the (110) face of palmitic acid crystals, due to slow heating, detected by VTOIRM, is interpreted in terms of two phase transitions, WBB (weak bond breaking) and SBB (strong bond breaking) promoted by anisotropy in interaction energies.
Page(s): 155-157
ISSN: 0975-1017 (Online); 0971-4588 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJEMS Vol.12(2) [April 2005]

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