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Title: Non-radiative energy transfer between Eu3+ and Er3+ ions in zinc phosphate glass
Authors: Joshi, B C
Dhondiyal, Charu Ch
Upreti, D K
Khulbey, Bhawana
Keywords: Zinc phosphate glass;Non-radiative energy transfer
Issue Date: Nov-2006
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: G01J 3/12
Abstract: A study of non-radiative energy transfer in Eu3+-Er3+ has been done by observing the steady state emission of Eu3+ with varying concentration of Er3+ in zinc phosphate glass at room temperature. It has been observed that Eu3+ ion emission intensity decreases with increasing Er3+ concentration resulting in a non-radiative energy transfer from Eu3+ to Er3+. The energy transfer mechanism for Eu-Er system is mainly found electric dipole-dipole in nature. Various parameters necessary for quantitative study e.g. energy transfer efficiencies, transfer probabilities etc. between Eu3+ and Er3+ have been computed.
Page(s): 811-814
ISSN: 0975-1041 (Online); 0019-5596 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJPAP Vol.44(11) [November 2006]

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