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Title: Occurrence of Iris mild mosaic potyvirus in cultivated iris in India
Authors: Kulshrestha, Saurabh
Hallan, Vipin
Raikhy, Gaurav
Ram, Raja
Garg, I D
Haq, Q M R
Zaidi, A A
Keywords: cytopathology;ELISA;IC-RT-PCR;IEM;Iris mild mosaic potyvirus (IMMV)
Issue Date: Jan-2006
Publisher: CSIR
IPC Code: Int. Cl.7 C07K16/10; C12N15/10; G01N33/53
Abstract: Iris (Iris x hollandica Hort. cv. Bluemagic) plants showing mosaic symptoms were tested for the presence of Iris mild mosaic potyvirus (IMMV) by host range, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using antibodies specific for IMMV), reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), immunocapture reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) using potyvirus group specific primers and antibodies specific to IMMV, immune electron microscopy and cytopathology. Presence of IMMV was detected by ELISA, confirmed by RT-PCR, IC-RT-PCR, IEM, cytopathology and sequencing of the cloned PCR product. From the sequence of the virus, specific primers were designed and specific detection of IMMV from iris was standardized.
Page(s): 94-98
ISSN: 0975-0967 (Online); 0972-5849 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJBT Vol.05(1) [January 2006]

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