JSIR Vol.67(02) [February 2008] : [11] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Utilization of waste lime sludge as building materialsSingh, M; Garg, MJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]161-166
Biosorption of copper from wastewater using jatropha seed coatJain, Niveta; Joshi, H C; Dutta, S C; Kumar, Sanjeev; Pathak, HJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]154-160
Energy efficiency improvement in air heater of a tea unit - A case approachBalachandran, S; Rudramoorthy, RJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]151-153
Effect of casting solvent on permeability of antihypertensive drugs through ethyl cellulose filmsMurthy, T E Gopala Krishna; Kishore, V SaiJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]147-150
Water-soluble binder system from by product of refining of soyabean oilToliwal, S D; Patel, C J; Patel, KalpenJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]141-146
Permeability and removal rate of compacted clays to organic and inorganic mattersOzcoban, M SJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]136-140
Microcontroller based portable instrument for determination of nickel in edible oilsMahapatra, Prasant K; Kumar, Ashok; Singh, Mewa; Grewal, Narwant S; Pandey, L; Singla, M LJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]132-135
Neural network embedded multiobjective genetic algorithm to solve non-linear time-cost tradeoff problems of project schedulingPathak, Bhupendra Kumar; Srivastava, Sanjay; Srivastava, KamalJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]124-131
Contribution of Human Resource Development Group (CSIR) towards knowledge sharing in India: State-wise performance analysisHasan, S A; Pal, A K; Dhawan, SC; Luthra, RJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]117-123
Effect of shortage level constraint on finite production rate model with reworkChiu, Yuan-Shyi Peter; Chiu, Singa Wang; Chao, Huang-ChiehJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]112-116
Hantzsch reaction: Recent advances in Hantzsch 1,4-dihydropyridinesSaini, Anil; Kumar, Sanjay; Sandhu, Jagir SJSIR Vol.67(2) [February 2008]95-111
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11