IJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Effect of Ga and Zn doping on coherent transition of YBCO superconductorMohanta, A; Behera, DIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]676-680
Electrical and optical properties of poly(aniline-co-8-anilino-1-napthalene sulphonic acid) — A material for ESD applicationsBansal, Vineet; Bhandari, Hema; Bansal, M C; Dhawan, S KIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]667-675
Pressure-volume relationships and bulk modulus for sodium halidesKushwah, S S; Bhardwaj, N KIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]663-666
Fractional quantum Hall effect in grapheneSahoo, S; Das, SIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]658-662
Enhanced sensitivity refractive index sensor based on segmented fiber with bendingSingh, Nahar; Mishra, Vandana; Jain, Subhash C; Sreekanth, K V; Poddar, G C; Kapur, PawanIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]655-657
S-wave quarkonia spectroscopy in a relativistic quark modelChakraborty, Subrata; Roy, Arun KumarIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]648-654
Surface morphological, band and lattice structural studies of cellulosic fiber coir under mercerization by ESCA, IR and XRD techniquesMahato, D N; Prasad, R N; Mathur, B KIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]643-647
UV-visible, infrared, Raman and ESR spectra of gamma-irradiated TiO2-doped soda lime phosphate glassesEl-Batal, Fatma HIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]631-642
Magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer flow past a porous substrate with Beavers-Joseph boundary conditionJat, R N; Chaudhary, SantoshIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]624-630
Combined effects of Hall current and rotation on free convection MHD flow in a porous channelSingh, K D; Kumar, RakeshIJPAP Vol.47(09) [September 2009]617-623
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10