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Title: Productivity and welfare effects of agricultural technologies: A study of maize producing households in Ethiopia using PSM approach
Authors: Shita, Aynalem
Kumar, Nand
Singh, Seema
Keywords: Productivity;Welfare;Fertilizer;Improved maize varieties;Ethiopia
Issue Date: Aug-2020
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of fertilizer and improved maize varieties of seeds on maize productivity and welfare of maize producing households based on survey data that has been obtained from 337 households in Ethiopia. Results have been estimated by using propensity score matching method. The study indicates that adoption of fertilizer and improved maize varieties increases maize productivity ranging from 9.11-9.95 quintal/ha and enhance welfare of maize producers evidenced by an increase in consumption expenditure of 1021-1297 birr. The implication of this study is the need of unreserved and continuous effort to enhance adoption of agriculture technologies by small holder farmers to reduce the challenge of food security.
Page(s): 921-926
ISSN: 0975-1017 (Online); 0971-4588 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJEMS Vol.27(4) [August 2020]

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