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Title: Physical and chemical characterization of PLA nanofibres and PLA/ZrO2 mesoporous composites synthesized by air-jet spinning
Authors: Albanés-Ojeda, Emmanuel Alejandro
Calderón-Olvera, Roxana Marisol
García-Hipólito, Manuel
Chavarría-Bolaños, Daniel
Vega-Baudrit, Roberto
Álvarez-Perez, Marco Antonio
Alvarez-Fregoso, Octavio
Keywords: Air-jet spinning;Mesoporous materials;PLA/ZrO2 composite;Polylactic acid nanofibres
Issue Date: Mar-2020
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Polylactic acid with zirconium oxide solution has been deposited by air-jet spinning to obtain a PLA/ZrO2 composite. Zirconium oxide is obtained by hydrothermal technique and the results indicate that zirconia is nanostructured, mesoporous and thermally stable. The precursor solutions are formed by different amounts of PLA and zirconia. PLA/ZrO2 composite is formed by nanofibres with a random distribution, non-porous and with diameter of fibres depending of PLA and zirconia concentrations. It is found that the incorporation of zirconia makes the PLA fibres harder, less flexible and mesoporous. However, the thermal properties are not affected by the zirconia incorporation. The findings show that PLA/ZrO2 composite can be utilized as biomaterial.
Page(s): 57-64
ISSN: 0975-1025 (Online); 0971-0426 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJFTR Vol.45(1) [March 2020]

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