IJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Experimental investigation of the effects of friction stir processing and shot peening on mechanical properties of ductile ironObaid, Abdul Salam YIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]181-185
Comparison of performance of different tool electrodes during electrical discharge machiningSahu, Anshuman Kumar; Mahapatra, Siba SankarIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]186-199
Form tolerances investigation in EDM process for super alloys using multiple holes electrodesDhanabalan, S; Sivakumar, K; Narayanan, C SathiyaIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]200-204
Study on surface characteristics of friction stir processed AZ91 with titanium carbide micro particlesVijayan, S; Gnanavel, J P Lalith; Selvakumar, G; Rao, S R KIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]205-210
Taguchi and multi-objective genetic algorithm-based optimization during ECDM of SiCp/glass fibers reinforced PMCsAntil, Parvesh; Singh, Sarbjit; Kumar, Sundeep; Manna, Alakesh; Katal, NitishIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]211-219
Study on the effect of process parameters with the use of minimum quantity lubrication and solid lubricants in turningMakhesana, Mayur A; Mawandiya, B K; Patel, K MIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]220-225
Experimental investigations of Nylon 6 polymer matrix composites material (70:30) for wear reduction in gearsKarthi, V; Marimuthu, KIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]226-234
Performance assessment of air-water and TiO2 nanofluid mist spray cooling during turning hardened AISI D2 steelKumar, Ramanuj; Sahoo, Ashok Kumar; Mishra, Purna Chandra; Das, Rabin KumarIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]235-253
Multi-objective optimization of quality characteristics in single point incremental forming process by response surface methodologyKumar, Narinder; Belokar, R M; Agrawal, AnupamIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]254-264
Abrasive water jet machining of carbon epoxy composite: Cutting performance, predictive models and optimizationDhanawade, Ajit; Kumar, ShailendraIJEMS Vol.26(3&4) [June & August 2019]265-275
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10