IJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985] : [29] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29
Spectroscopic Studies on Cu(benzoxazole)3 Dibromide Monohydrate & Cu(2-methylbenzoxazole)2 DichloridePonticelli, G; Massacesi, M; Devoto, G; Sastry, B A; Balaiah, B; Satyanarayana, PIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]1-4
Electrode Kinetics of Phenosafranine-EDT A System Using Illuminated Semiconductor ElectrodeRohatgi-Mukherjee, K K; Roy, Sharmila; Bhowmik, Benoy BIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]5-7
Chemical Speciation of Manganese in Fresh Water, Sea Water & Their MixturesKumar, AnilIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]8-11
Isentropic Compressibilities & Excess Volumes of Binary Mixtures of Cyc1ohexanone with 1, 2-Dichloroethane, Benzene & Carbon TetrachlorideRajkumar, X Rosario; Mathiyalagan, N; Raman, K VIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]12-15
Limiting Ionic Conductances of Some Tetraalkylammonium Ions in Dimethyl Sulphoxide + Dioxane Mixtures at 25°CSyal, V K; Ranowt, Prakash CIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]16-19
Studies on AC Dielectric Properties of Anodic Oxide Films on Superpurity Aluminium From Glycol- Borate ElectrolyteSaini, R C; Dhindsa, Kuldip S; Nigam, R K; Mittal, R KIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]20-23
Time-Rate Study of Adsorption of Dyes on Silica Gel & GraphiteRam, R N; Prasad, B BIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]24-27
Calculations of Turbidity Values for a Concentrated Mixture of Hard Spherical ParticlesReddy, M C Somasekhara; Murthy, A KIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]28-30
Kinetics & Mechanism of Reaction of Hexaaquochromium(III) with Hexacyanoferrate(II)Ali, S I; Sharma, SeemaIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]31-33
Substituent Effects & Mechanism of Oxidation of some Aryl Methyl Sulphides with Vanadium(V)Satyanarayana, P V V; Rao, Y Nageswara; Rao, N NageswaraIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]34-36
Silylated Azanides of Ti(IV) & Zr(IV)Vasisht, S K; Sharma, (Ms) R; Goyal, (Ms) VIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]37-39
Extractive Spectrophotometric Determination of Cobalt with Thioglycolic Acid Anilide & Its ApplicationsRay, (Miss) Chandrima; Das, JyotirmoyIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]40-42
New Bromate-driven Oscillators Containing Mixed Organic SubstratesRastogi, R P; Yadava, R D; Singh, (Miss) Sadhana; Sharma, (Miss) ArchanaIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]43-44
Dimerization & Subsequent Complexation of 1,5,9-Cyc1ododecatriene with PentacarbonylironUllah, S S; Kabir, S E; Molla, M E; Wahiduzzaman, S MIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]45-46
Synthesis & Characterization of Amine-Cyanoborane Adducts of Some Aliphatic AminesDas, M K; Maiti, P; Mukherjee, PIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]47-49
Activity Coefficients in Water-Potassium/Rubidium Chlorides-, -Alanine SystemsWadi, Ramesh K; Singh, Braj PIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]50-53
Conversion of Methylene Blue into a Red Form in Formally Aprotic Solvents – Kinetics of Conversion in HexamethylphosphotriamideSengupta, Susanta KIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]54-55
Linear Free Energy Relationship in Naphthalene System: Kinetics of Oxidation of 6-Substituted 2-Naphthyl Methyl Sulphides with PeroxoanionsSrinivasan, C; Perumal, S; Arumugam, NIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]56-57
Hydrolysis Constants of 1,10-Phenanthroline Hydrochloride in Ethanol +Water MixturesChakraborty, S K; Lahiri, S CIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]58-59
Electrical Conductivity of a New Copper(I) Complex of 1,2,4,5-Tetrakis(sulphhydrylbenzene)Prakash, HariIJC-A Vol.24A(01) [January 1985]60-61
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 29