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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Settling and filtration characteristics of carbonated black liquor from agro based paper millMandavgane, S A; Subramanian, DJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]169-173
Physico-chemical characteristics of extruded snacks prepared from rice (Oryza sativa L), corn (Zea mays L) and taro [Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott] by twin-screw extrusionBhattacharyya, P; Ghosh, U; Gangopadhyay, H; Raychaudhuri, UJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]165-168
Application of Ground Penetrating Radar for hydro-geological studySingh, K K KJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]160-164
Firing temperature and firing time influence on mechanical and physical properties of clay bricksKaraman, Sedat; Ersahin, Sabit; Gunal, HikmetJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]153-159
Design and development of indigenous cricket bowling machineRoy, Shibendu Shekhar; Karmakar, Sankar; Mukherjee, Narayan Prasad; Nandy, Udayan; Datta, UmaJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]148-152
Implementation of fuzzy temperature control using microprocessorHanamane, M D; Mudholkar, R R; Jadhav, B T; Sawant, S RJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]142-147
Design of fuzzy system for vapour compression refrigeration systemSingh, Jagdev; Singh, Nirmal; Sharma, J KJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]135-141
Artificial neural network modeling of methane emissions at Istanbul Kemerburgaz-Odayeri landfill siteOzcan, H Kurtulus; Ucan, Osman N; Sahin, Ulku; Borat, Mehmet; Bayat, CumaJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]128-134
Measurement of depreciation rate of technological knowledge: Technology cycle time approachPark, Gwangman; Shin, Juneseuk; Park, YongtaeJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]121-127
Iodine based water disinfection: A reviewPunyani, Supriya; Narayana, Priya; Singh, Harpal; Vasudevan, PadmaJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]116-120
Mapping of patents on bioemulsifier and biosurfactant: A reviewShete, A M; Wadhawa, G; Banat, I M; Chopade, B AJSIR Vol.65(02) [February 2006]91-115
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11