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Title: Synthesis and anti-microbial activity of 2H-chromenylmethylene benzohydrazides
Authors: Shivaraj, B B
Hariprasad, K S
Rathod, B Baburao
Prakasham, R S
Raju, B China
Keywords: 2H-Chromenylmethylene benzohydrazides;2H-chromene-3-carbaldehydes;Anti-microbial activity
Issue Date: Apr-2019
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: 2H-Chromenylmethylene benzohydrazides 6a-t have been prepared by the reaction of 2H-chromene-3-carbaldehydes 4a-e with benzohydrizides 5a-c and isonicotinohydrazide 5d in ethyl alcohol at room temperature. All the synthesized compounds have been evaluated for their anti-microbial activity. Compounds 6a, 6f, 6p and 6t have potent anti-bacterial activity. Compounds 6a and 6f are highly potent and 6l, 6p and 6t have equi potent anti-fungal activity.
Page(s): 497-503
ISSN: 0975-0983(Online); 0376-4699(Print)
Appears in Collections:IJC-B Vol.58B(04) [April 2019]

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