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dc.contributor.authorSubramani, K-
dc.contributor.authorSrinivasan, Vangalur S-
dc.contributor.authorSwaminathan, S-
dc.contributor.authorMoolel, Rev Fr Mathew J-
dc.identifier.issn0975-0975(Online); 0376-4710(Print)-
dc.description.abstractThe reaction between sodium bis(2-ethyl- 2-hydroxybutyrato)oxochromate(V) monohydrate, [Cr(V)HEBA], and dl-tartaric acid exhibits total second order kinetics-first order in each reactant. The reaction is H+ -dependent and the rate is unaffected by added unbound ligand. The reaction mixture initiates acrylonitrile polymerisation, suggesting the formation of radical intermediate. The product of the reaction has been identified as glyoxal. The above results are accounted for by a mechanism involving the intermediacy of Cr(IV) and tartrate radical. The intermediacy of Cr(IV) is evidenced by the formation of cobalt(II) by an induced electron transfer reaction when Cr(V) reaction is carried out in the presence of mandelatopentaamminecobalt (III) perchlorate.en_US
dc.publisherNISCAIR-CSIR, Indiaen_US
dc.rights CC Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Indiaen_US
dc.sourceIJC-A Vol.28A(09) [September 1989]en_US
dc.titleOxidation of tartaric acid by carboxylato bound chromium(V)en_US
Appears in Collections:IJC-A Vol.28A(09) [September 1989]

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