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Title: Kinetics and mechanism of reduction of p-nitroso-N,N-dimethylaniline by sulphite ions in acetate-acetic acid buffer solutions
Authors: Girgis, Maher M
Issue Date: Jul-1989
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Kinetics of the title reduction has been studied spectrophotometricaJly in acetate-acetic acid buffer solutions at different temperatures in the range 20° to 40°c' The effect of varying [H+] on the reduction rate has been investigated at constant ionic strength 'Of0.06. The rate order is 1.0 in both the reactants and - 0.5 in [H+]. The rate of reaction decreases with increase in [H+]. The [H+] dependency indicates the presence of two competitive rate-determining steps. The activation parameters have been determined and found to be S = - 176.09 JK -1 mol-1, H = 17.82 kJ mol-1 and G = 70.30 kJ mol-1. A mechanism consistent with the experimental results has been suggested.
Page(s): 595-598
ISSN: 0975-0975(Online); 0376-4710(Print)
Appears in Collections:IJC-A Vol.28A(07) [July 1989]

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