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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Reduced acetylcholinesterase activity downregulates peripheral and central inflammation during glucocorticoid resistance induced by chronic restraint stress and systemic lipopolysaccharide challenge in male miceMahanti, Sayantika; Majhi, Arnab; Mukherjee, Koyel; Bishayi, BiswadevIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]859-874
Recombinant CFP-10 as antigen for diagnosis and quantification of IFN-γ expression by real-time PCR in guinea pigs sensitized with Mycobacterium bovisMondal, Tista; Verma, Rishendra; Ramane, Sangram P; Chakravarti, SoumenduIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]875-882
Effect of feeding on four citrus varieties on enzymatic and non enzymatic properties in citrus butterfly Papilio demoleus L.Kholghi-Eshkalak, Leila; Sendi, Jalal Jalali; Karimi-Malati, Azadeh; Zibaee, ArashIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]883-891
Differentiation of toxigenic and atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus: Polyphasic approach, a new dimensionNaik, MK; Prasad, GR Guru; Jadhav, HP; Hashem, A; Abd_Allah, Elsayed F; Sayyed, RZIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]892-898
Physiological efficiencies in 186 peanut cultivars of various botanical groupsSingh, Amrit Lal; Nakar, Rupesh; Chaudhari, Vidya; Chakraborty, Koushik; Goswami, Nisha; Kalariya, Kuldeepsingh; Ajay, Chandrashekhar B; Zala, Pratap Virabhai; Patel, Chhabil BhaiIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]899-913
Effective culture medium and combination of phytohormones for in vitro nodal culture of Shorea robusta Roxb. ex GaertnKumar, Mrinal Nishant; Tirkey, Jyotshna; Rai, SureshIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]914-921
Modification in spinach response to UV-B radiation by nutrient management: Pigments, antioxidants and metabolitesSingh, Suruchi; Pandey, Bhanu; Agrawal, SB; Agrawal, MadhoolikaIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]922-931
Optimization of simultaneous saccharification and fermentation parameters for sustainable production of ethanol from wheat straw by Pichia stipitis NCIM 3498Bhatia, Latika; Johri, SoniaIJEB Vol.56(12) [December 2018]932-941
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8