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Title: Study of gamma, X-ray and neutron shielding parameters of some alloys
Authors: Seenappa, L
Manjunatha, H C
Chandrika, B M
Sridhar, K N
Hanumantharayappa, Chikka
Keywords: Neutrons;Gamma;Shielding
Issue Date: Aug-2018
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: The X-ray and gamma radiation shielding parameters such as mass attenuation coefficient, mean free path, half value layer, tenth value layer, effective atomic numbers, exposure buildup factors, dose rate and specific gamma ray constant have been studied in some alloys such as AL-6XN, nicrosil, nisil, terfenol-D, elektron and ferro-boron. The neutron shielding parameters such as coherent neutron scattering length, incoherent neutron scattering lengths, coherent neutron scattering cross section, incoherent neutron scattering cross sections, total neutron scattering cross section and neutron absorption cross sections have also been studied in the same alloys. It is observed that the alloy terfenol-D is good shielding material for X-ray/gamma radiation. The alloy Elektron is good shielding material for neutrons among the studied alloys. This study finds importance in the field of radiation shielding.
Page(s): 631-634
ISSN: 0975-0959 (Online); 0301-1208 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJPAP Vol.56(08) [August 2018]

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