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Title: Calcium oxalate crystallization in SDS solutions
Authors: Li, Yan
Lu, Xifeng
Yang, Xiaodeng
Wang, Yulin
Keywords: Crystallization;Calcium oxalate;Sodium dodecyl sulfate;Hydroxy isopropyl chitosan
Issue Date: Jan-2018
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and hydroxy isopropyl chitosan (HPCHS) are employed as modulation agents for crystallization of CaC2O4. The effects of concentrations of SDS and HPCHS, [Ca2+]/[C2O42-], [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] and ratio of Vethanol/Vwater and [Mg2+]/[Ca2+] on the crystallization are investigated. The CaC2O4 particles are characterized by scanning electron microscopy, powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The results show that SDS inhibits the crystallization and growth of CaC2O4 particles due to the interaction between dodecyl sulfate and Ca2+ and also the formation of calcium dodecyl sulfate. Based on an analysis of the CaC2O4 and solution properties of SDS/Ca2+ and HPCHS/SDS/Ca2+, a mechanism for CaC2O4 crystallization in SDS solutions is proposed. This work is of significance in inhibiting abnormal mineralization.
Page(s): 9-17
ISSN: 0975-0975(Online); 0376-4710(Print)
Appears in Collections:IJC-A Vol.57A(01) [January 2018]

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