JSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017] : [11] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
The Development of Artificial Life and Its Relationship with Artificial IntelligenceLee, S J; Lin, Grace T R; Li, C; Hsi, P HJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]605-607
A Hybrid Approach for Complex Industrial Process MonitoringRezki, N; Kazar, O; Mouss, L H; Kahloul, L; Rezki, DJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]608-613
Genetic Algorithm based Feature Selection for Classification of Focal and Non-focal Intracranial Electroencephalographic SignalsSathish, E; Sivakumaran, N; Simon, S P; Raghavan, SJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]614-619
Object Boundary Identification using Enhanced High Pass Frequency Filtering Algorithm and Morphological Erosion Structuring ElementAbhayadev, M; Santha, TJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]620-625
Power Analysis of Autonomous MicrogridPungut, N A F Bt; Hannoon, N M S; Ibrahim, P BinJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]626-630
Geometrical Model Creation Methods for Human Humerus Bone and Modified Cloverleaf PlateRashid, M M; Husain, K N; Vitković, N; Manić, M; Trajanović, M; Mitković, M B; Mitković, M MJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]631-639
Ingredient Substitution and Quality Enrichment of Conventional Indian Recipes with Underutilized Fresh Kachnar LeavesGupta, A; Tripathi, J; Yadav, N; Sagar, PJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]640-643
Strength, Durability, and Micro Structural Properties of Concrete Incorporating MS and GCBA as Sand SubstituteKadam, M P; Patil, Y DJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]644-653
Studies on Effect of Grafting Technique on Growth and Yield of Bitter Gourd (Momordica Charantia L.)Tamilselvi, N A; Pugalendhi, LJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]654-661
On the Performance Characteristics of Embedded Techniques for Medical Image CompressionVallabhaneni, R B; Rajesh, VJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]662-665
Poly Vinyl Chloride Waste Projection using Life Expectancy of ProductsPant, D; Singh, RJSIR Vol.76(10) [October 2017]666-669
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11