IJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009] : [12] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Dielectric relaxation studies of ternary liquid mixtures of aniline and substituted anilines with acrylonitrile in the microwave regionKalaivani, T; Krishnan, SIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]383-385
Structural and luminescence properties of sol-gel derived Cu doped ZnO filmsDas, K; Ray, S; Chaudhuri, S; Maity, A BIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]377-382
Polarization-tilt coupling for surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystalBhattacharyya, Surjya Sarathi; Mukherjee, A; Chaudhuri, B K; Wu, S LIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]372-376
Growth and characterization of NLO crystalKumari, R AnandaIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]369-371
Elastic properties of intermetallic compounds under high pressure and high temperatureUpadhyay, A K; Sharma, B SIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]362-368
Growth of KTiOPO4 crystals by flux technique and their characterizationGharibshahian, E; Tafreshi, M J; Fazli, MIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]356-361
Study on kinetic Alfven wave in inertial regimeShukla, Nidhi; Varma, P; Tiwari, M SIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]350-355
Optical communication using chaos based signal transmission schemeKandiban, G; Balachandran, VIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]346-349
Semi-empirical method for obtaining Sommerfeld screening parameter σ1 in X-ray spectraMisra, U D; Chaturvedi, SIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]340-345
Theoretical analysis of EXAFS data of copper (II) complexes of isoxezol seriesMishra, Ashutosh; Parsai, Neetu; Dagonkar, NIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]337-339
Growth and spectroscopic studies of L-argininum formate NLO single crystalsJanarthanan, S; Kumar, T Kishore; Pandi, S; Anand, D PremIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]332-336
Pair distribution function for interacting bosons and the ground-state energy of solid helium-4Khanna, K M; Ayodo, Y K; Sakwa, T W; Rotich, S K; Torongey, P K; Mbugua, W SIJPAP Vol.47(05) [May 2009]325-331
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12