IJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009] : [11] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11
Performance of non-linear amplifier based phase locked loop systems in presence of channel perturbationsDe, B; Sarkar, B CIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]310-316
New low-voltage class AB current conveyor II for analog applicationsManhas, Parshotam S; Pal, K; Sharma, Susheel; Mangotra, L K; Jamwal, K K SIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]306-309
Field dependent soft mode frequency in BaxSr1-xTiO3 ferroelectric perovskitesKumar, Ashok; Kukreti, Ashish; Naithani, U CIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]300-305
Effect of structural parameters on variation of microstructural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline alloy of Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si17.5B5Uddin, M M; Hoque, S Manjura; Mahmud, M Sultan; Hakim, M A; Chowdhury, F U ZIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]289-299
Preparation and characterization of ceramic samples of silver sodium niobate mixed systemNautiyal, Om Prakash; Bhatt, S C; Pant, R P; Bourai, A A; Singh, P K; Saxena, R; Semwal, B SIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]282-288
Effect of dopants on barium hexaferriteSalvi, S V; Joshi, V HIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]277-281
Thermal diffusivity of advanced composite materials of e-glass fiber reinforced plastic in the temperature range 5-120KDas, Kalobaran; Kamaruzzaman, S M; Middya, Tapas Ranjan; Datta, SiddharthaIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]273-276
Ultrasonic study of n-alkanols in toluene with nitrobenzeneThirumaran, S; Jayakumar, J EarnestIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]265-272
Vibrational analysis of pyrazinamideGunasekaran, S; Sailatha, EIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]259-264
Molecular structure and vibrational spectra of 2-chlorobenzoic acid by density functional theory and ab-initio Hartree-Fock calculationsSundaraganesan, N; Joshua, B Dominic; Radjakoumar, TIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]248-258
Spectroscopic and dc conductivity studies of Cu2+ spin probe in 10Li2O- xNb2O5-(89-x)TeO2 glass systemBabu, J Chinna; Mouli, V ChandraIJPAP Vol.47(04) [April 2009]241-247
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 11 of 11