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Title: Length-Weight relationship and morphological studies of the big eye shad, Ilisha filigera (Valenciennes, 1847) in Mumbai waters
Authors: Pradhan, Rajesh Kumar
Deshmukh, V. D.
Chakraborty, S. K.
Chellapan, A.
Jaiswar, A. K.
Roul, Subal Kumar
Keywords: Length-Weight;Big eye shad;Morphometric;Ilisha filigera
Issue Date: Jan-2017
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Present study was conducted to investigate the length-weight relationship and morphological studies of Ilisha filigera based on 353 fish specimens of different size collected from Mumbai waters from October 2010 to April 2011. Length-weight relationship of 181 males and 136 females found a high degree of correlation for males, females and both the sexes combine. Pooled data for both the sexes gave the length-weight relationship of W = 0.002336 L3.345211 with a coefficient of determination (r2) value of 0.954042. The ‘b’ value for both the cases of males (3.110674) and females (3.42701) revealed allometric growth. Analysis of covariance indicated significant differences (P<0.01) between males and females. The comparison of morphometric characters showed a very high degree of correlation between them. Total length of the species observed in the present study ranged from 13.9 to 37.5 cm with standard deviation 26.09±4.34 cm.
Page(s): 102-106
ISSN: 0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJMS Vol.46(01) [January 2017]

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