IJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985] : [14] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14
Determination of Vertical Velocities in the Equatorial Part of the Western Indian OceanBahulayan, N; Varadachari, V V RIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]55-58
Surface Drift Current over Arabian Sea during May 1983Prasad, M V Ravi; Rao, G R LakshmanaIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]59-61
Surface Circulation over the Shelf Off the East Coast of India during the Southwest MonsoonKrishna, V V Gopala; Sastry, J SIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]62-65
Fluctuation in Glacial and Interglacial Sediment Discharge of the River Indus as Seen in a Core from the Arabian SeaGuptha, M V S; Hashimi, N HIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]66-70
Sediment Characteristics of Beach between Alleppey and Purakkad, West Coast of IndiaVarma, P Udaya; Kumar, T Pradeep; Pylee, AbrahamIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]71-73
Frequency Distribution of Foraminifera Off Trivandrum, West Coast of IndiaRao, K Kameswara; Kutty, M Krishnan; Panikkar, B MIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]74-78
Water-Mineral Equilibria in Solar Salt Farm near Madras, East Coast of IndiaRamesh, R; Subramanian, VIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]79-84
Secondary Production and Zooplankton Abundance in the Coastal Waters from Vengurla to Malpe, West Coast of IndiaGoswami, S CIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]85-92
Urea as Nitrogen Source for Phytoplankton Production in Coastal Waters of GoaVerlencar, X NIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]93-97
Ecology of Chaetognaths in the Hooghly Estuary, Bay of BengalSarkar, S K; Singh, B N; Choudhury, AIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]98-101
Age, Growth and Length-Weight Relationships in Estuarine Periwinkle Littorina scabra (Linne)Maruthamuthu, S; Kasinathan, RIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]102-104
Maturation and Spawning of the Silverbelly, Secutor insidiator (Bloch) in the Porto Novo CoastJayabalan, N; Ramamoorthi, KIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]105-109
Food and Feeding Habits of the Silverbelly, Gazza minuta (Bloch) in Porto Novo WatersJayabalan, N; Ramamoorthi, KIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]110-112
Heterotrophic Bacteria of Nearshore Waters of the Bay of Bengal & the Arabian SeaPalaniappan, R; Krishnamurthy, KIJMS Vol.14(2) [June 1985]113-114
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 14 of 14