IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974] : [25] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 25
Relation between Disturbed Variations of Hydroxyl Emission & Radio Wave Absorption in D RegionRapoport, Z. Ts.; Shefov, N. N.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]314-316
Lunar Tidal Variations of Hydroxyl EmissionShefov, N. N.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]313-314
Solar Flare Emissions & Geophysical DisturbancesSakurai, KunitomoIJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]289-312
Hydrogen & Oxygen Ion Densities & Fluxes In Low & Midlatitude Topside IonosphereRao, B. C. Narasinga; Jain, V. C.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]284-288
Lf Effects at Low Latitudes for the Solar Proton Event of 4 August 1972Sastri, J. Hanumath; Subrahmanyam, C. V.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]282-283
Changes in 164 kHz Signal Field Strengths due to Stellar X-Ray Effects on D-Region Nighttime IonizationGhosh, B. B.; Malhotra, V. J.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]278-281
Solar Activity Variation of Electron & Ion Temperatures in Equatorial Topside IonosphereSingh, Risal; Rao, B. C. NarasingaIJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]273-277
Some Characteristic Studies of Sudden Cosmic Noise Absorption PhenomenaSharma, M. C.; Sarma, S. B. S. S.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]269-272
Solar & Electrojet Control of the Equatorial Sporadic ESetty, C. S. G. K.; Dahiya, Rati; Verma, PratibhaIJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]263-268
Auroral Ionization &, Excitation by Precipitating Electrons: N Meinel & O First Negative SystemSrivastava, B. N.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]259-262
Seasonal Anomalies in Ionospheric F2-Layer at Conjugate PlacesParikh, N.K.; Kotadia, K.M.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]255-258
Transequatorial Propagation of hf Signal in Relation to Equatorial AnomalySen, A. K.; Trehan, S. K.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]253-254
Regional Differences in Ionospheric Scintillation near the Magnetic EquatorChatterjee, S. K.; Bandyopadhyay, A. K.; Guhathakurta, B. K.; Bandyopadhyay, P.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]248-252
Effect of Transverse Feed Displacement on Input Impedance of Asymmetric Dipole AntennaBanerjee, P.K.; Subrahmaniam, V.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]243-247
Radiation from a Discrete Discontinuity on the Surface of a Dielectric Rod WaveguideOjha, B.; Sharma, K. P.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]238-242
Electric Space Charges over Snow-Covered GroundKhera, M. K.; Raina, B. N.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]232-237
Occurrence of Sporadic E in the Nairobi RegionKasenally, H.; Kelleher, R. F.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]227-231
Diurnal & Seasonal Occurrence Patterns of Pc & Pi Pulsations at Choutuppal (Hyderabad), IndiaSarma, S.V.S.; Ramanujachary, K.R.; Narayan, P.V. SankerIJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]221-226
On the Mode Theory of Parallel Plane Waveguide Containing Transversely Magnetized Uniaxial Moving PlasmaJain, P. K.; Gupta, P. N.; Singh, Dinesh; Tolpadi, S. K.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]216-220
Azimuthal Variation of Gravity Wave Induced Perturbations in the F2 Region Electron DensityGupta, Anurag B.; Nagpal, O. P.IJRSP Vol.03(3) [September 1974]212-215
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 25