IJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995] : [17] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17
Distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments of the Cochin estuary south west coast of IndiaNair, T Vasudevan; Chacko, Jacob; Chandramohanakumar, NIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]240-242
Marine products from Bay of Bengal – Part- III*: Sterol composition of four molluscs and a sea penGoswami, Anindya; Saha, Subrata; Mukhopadhyay, Sibabrata; Pakrashi, Satyesh ChandraIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]238-239
Iron and manganese concentrations in seawater, sediment and marine algae of Tuticorin coast, southeast coast of IndiaGanesan, M; Kannan, LIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]236-237
Seasonal distribution and behaviour of nitrate and phosphate in Rushikulya estuary, east coast of IndiaGouda, Rajashree; Panigrahy, R CIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]233-235
Photosynthetic pigments of benthic microflora in Cochin estuarySivadasan, K K; Joseph, K JIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]231-232
Growth inhibition of fouling bacteria and diatoms by extract of terrestrial plant, Derris scandens (Dicotyledonae: Leguminocae)Sawant, S S; Sonak, S; Garg, AIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]229-230
Seasonal variations of bacteria in fish Etroplus suratensis and Etroplus maculatus (Pisces: Cichlidae)Maya, R; Dhevendaran, K; Mathew, Annie; Georgekutty, M I; Natarajan, PIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]225-228
Basement structure beneath the innershelf off Mahabalipuram to Palar river, east coast of IndiaMurthy, K S R; Venkateswarlu, K; Rao, T C SIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]223-224
Effect of high hydrostatic pressure on underwater ultrasonic probe heads used for NDT evaluation of offshore structuresBindal, V N; Jain, S K; Gupta, Reeta; Chandra, SubhashIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]220-222
Design and development of tonpilz type sandwich transducer for underwater acoustic command applicationsJain, S K; Gupta, Reeta; Saksena, T KIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]215-219
Influence of salinity on the total body burden of fish Etroplus maculatus exposed to Ni, Cu and their mixturePatterson, Jamila; Fernandez, Tresa VIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]211-214
Breeding biology of a carangid fish Selaroides leptolepis Cuv. (Perciformes) along Tuticorin, southeast coast of IndiaVenkataramani, V K; Ramanathan, N; Venkataramanujam, KIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]207-210
Energy storage and utilisation in relation to gametogenesis in the mussel, Musculista senhausia (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) from Cochin backwaters, west coast of IndiaSreedhar, K Shiny; Radhakrishnan, C KIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]203-206
Assessment of biological characteristics on coastal environment of Murud (Maharashtra) during the oil spill (17 May 1993)Gajbhiye, S N; Mustafa, S; Mehta, Pratik; Nair, Vijayalakshmi RIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]196-202
Tritium concentrations in surface waters of Indian ocean and in lakes around Indian station Maitree in AntarcticaSadarangani, S H; Krishnamoorthy, T M; Gopinath, D VIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]192-195
Phosphorus distribution in sediments of Edava-Nadayara and Paravur lake systems along the south west coast of IndiaMadhukumar, A; Anirudhan, T SIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]186-191
Estimation of eddy diffusivity coefficient of heat in the upper layers of equatorial Arabian SeaZavialov, P O; Murty, V S NIJMS Vol.24(4) [December 1995]177-185
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 17 of 17