JSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016] : [9] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Performance of a Solar Distillery of Essential Oils with Compound Parabolic Solar CollectorsKulturel, Y; Tarhan, SJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]691-696
Image Denoising Using Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform and Wiener Filter with Modified ThresholdingZhang, XiaoboJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]687-690
Isolation and Characterization of a Biosurfactant Producing Strain Pseudomonas Aeruginosa SMVIT 1 from Oil Contaminated SoilRath, K; Singh, A B; Chandan, S; Vatsala, R SJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]681-686
Nanoformulations of Pretilachlor Herbicide: Preparation, Characterization and ActivityKumar, N; Kumar, R; Shakil, N A; Das, T KJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]676-680
An Innovative Adaptive Noise Canceler Family for Cardiac Signal Filtering: Application to Wireless Body Sensor NetworkGowri, T; Kumar, P RJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]671-675
Priority Based Resource Allocation for MIMO-Cooperative Cognitive Radio NetworksSudhir, A Ch; Rao, B PrabhakaraJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]667-670
A Competency Framework Model to Assess Success Pattern For Indian Faculties A NLP Based Data Mining ApproachBanu, R K; Ravanan, RJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]662-666
Comprehensive Estimation of Industrial Security of High Technology IndustryHe, Weida; Lin, Zhifeng; Hao, RongJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]657-661
Observing the Intellectual Landscape and New Developments of DrugsLee, Yen-Chun; Lin, Grace T R; Hsi, Pang-HsiangJSIR Vol.75(11) [November 2016]653-656
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9