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Title: Investigation of bedload transport off Karwar coast, southwest coast of India
Authors: Yelgaonkar, V N
Pendharkar, A S
Navada, S V
Pant, H J
Mendhekar, G N
Rao, S M
Issue Date: Mar-1997
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: Radiotracer experiments were carried out in two phases to study the movement of bedload near Anjadeep island off Karwar coast to select a suitable dumping site for disposal of dredged spoil. Sc-46 as powdered scandium glass was used as radiotracer. From hydraulic considerations two sites were selected. Study showed that the materials dumped at about 2 lan Northwest from the tip of Anjadeep island used to transport towards the proposed approach channel. Average velocity of transport was about 4.4 meters per day and the mean transport rate of the order of 31 kg per day per metre width of the bed. Materials dumped at 4 km Northwest would move offshore, away from the proposed channel and harbour area. In this location the general velocity of transport was found to be 0.6 meters per day and sediment transport rate of the order of 30 kg per day per metre width of the bed.
Page(s): 91-94
ISSN: 0975-1033 (Online); 0379-5136 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJMS Vol.26(1) [March 1997]

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