JSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016] : [9] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling and Experimental Investigation of Waste Collection BlowerJayapragasan, C N; Reddy, K JJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]638-642
Photocatalytic Degradation of Nitrobenzene and Azo Dye Using Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared by Electrochemical MethodAnand, V; Srivastava, V CJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]632-637
Optimization of Simple Sugars and Process pH for Effective Biohydrogen Production Using Enterobacter Aerogens: An Experimental StudyKumar, V; Kothari, R; Pathak, V V; Tyagi, S KJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]626-631
Optimization of Process Parameters for Siderophore Production Under Solid State Fermentation Using Polystyrene Beads as Inert SupportPrabhu, G Nagendra; Bindu, PJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]621-625
Lossless EEG Compression Using the DCT and the Huffman CodingKarimu, R Y; Azadi, SJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]615-620
Bioprocess Development for β- and γ-rubromycin Production: A Human Telomerase Inhibitors, by Streptomyces sp. ADR1Boumehira, A Z; Malek, R A; Othman, N Z; Ware, I; Ramli, S; Malek, K; Hacène, H; El-Enshasy, H AJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]609-614
Designing of Multi Criteria Decision Making Heuristic Model Based on Fuzzy Inference System Approach for Evaluating Raking of the AlternativesRajak, A K; Niraj, M; Kumar, SJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]604-608
Maximizing Throughput of Free Space Optics Communication link with Array of ReceiversGupta, A; Shaina; Bakshi, SJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]598-603
RF Signal Sensing in a Wide Band Spectrum with Subnyquist Sampling for Cognitive RadioChandrasekhar, K; Hamsapriye; Moorthy, T G S; Kumar, S K; Lakshmeesha, V KJSIR Vol.75(10) [October 2016]593-597
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9