JSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016] : [9] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Effect of Predigestion Process Modifications on VFA Enhancement and Overall Biogas Conversion from Kitchen Solid WasteMagdum, S S; Adhyapak, U S; Minde, G P; Bornare, J B; Kalyanraman, VJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]574-582
Screening of Desi Cotton (G.Arboreum) Suitable for Surgical PropertiesMeena, R A; Monga, D; Venugopalan, M V; Ahuja, S L; Sahay, RJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]570-573
Culture Viability, Commercial Scale Cultivation and Shelf Life Studies on the Silver-silk Straw Mushroom, Volvariella bombycinaAhlawat, O P; Sinha, P; Singh, MJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]562-569
Optimal Coordination of Directional Overcurrent Relays Using Bacteria Foraging AlgorithmAdhikari, S; Sinha, NJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]557-561
Evaluation of the Capacitance and Charge Distribution of Metallic Objects by Electrostatic AnalysisDhamodaran, M; Dhanasekaran, RJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]552-556
Blind Signal Processing for Electrocardiogram Signal TransmissionPriya, L; Kandaswamy, A; Lakshmi, C DJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]547-551
Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection for Detection of Surface Defects on OrangesThendral, R; Suhasini, AJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]540-546
Aspect Ranking Based on Author Specific Information AggregationUmamaheswari, K; Priya, VJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]534-539
Study and Estimation of Embodied Carbon Based on Input-output AnalysisSheng, Zhonglin; Wang, Xinyu; Xin, Yufei; Hao, RongJSIR Vol.75(09) [September 2016]529-533
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9