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Title: Development of Dual Hydrophilic/ Hydrophobic Wool Fabric by Q172 NM VUV Irradiation
Authors: Basak, S
Samanta, K K
Chattopadhyay, S K
Narkar, R
Keywords: Contact angle;Dual functionalised wool;Irradiation;Wool;UV excimer lamp
Issue Date: Jul-2016
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: A functionalized dual hydrophilic/ hydrophobic wool fabric has been developed by a combination of fluorocarbon based chemical composition and the 172 nm VUV (Vaccum Ultraviolet) irradiation treatment. The fabric surfaces have been characterized by SEM (Scanning electron microscopy) and EDX (Energy dispersive X-ray), and the fabric performance properties by measurement of contact angle, wicking and comfort. It was found that the irradiation modifies only the side being irradiated, and not the opposite side of the fabric, possibly due to strong absorption of high energy photons of 172 nm light within the submicron structure of the surface.
Page(s): 439-443
ISSN: 0975-1084 (Online); 0022-4456 (Print)
Appears in Collections:JSIR Vol.75(07) [July 2016]

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