IJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016] : [8] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
The impact of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) on growth and food conversion efficiency in Royal Danio, Barilius bakeri DayAntony, Jomol; Natarajan, PIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]219-223
Expression analysis of Type 1 and 2 Metallothionein genes in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) during short-term stress using sqRT-PCR analysisAbdelmigid, Hala MIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]212-218
A minimal cost micropropagation protocol for Dianthus caryophyllus L.— a commercially significant venturePant, ManuIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]203-211
Determination of betulinic acid, oleanolic acid and ursolic acid from Achyranthes aspera L. using RP-UFLC-DAD analysis and evaluation of various parameters for their optimum yield Pai, Sandeep R; Upadhya, Vinayak; Hegde, Harsha V; Joshi, Rajesh K; Kholkute, Sanjiva DIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]196-202
Quercetin accelerated cutaneous wound healing in rats by increasing levels of VEGF and TGF-β1Gopalakrishnan, A; Ram, M; Kumawat, S; Tandan, SK; Kumar, DIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]187-195
Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to Newcastle Disease VirusKumar, G Ravi; Saxena, Shikha; Sahoo, AP; Chaturvedi, Uttara; Kumar, Satish; Santra, Lakshman; Desai, GS; Singh, Lakshyaveer; Tiwari, Ashok KIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]180-186
MMP-3 gene polymorphisms and OsteosarcomaAdiguzel, Mustafa; Horozoglu, Cem; Kilicoglu, Onder; Ozger, Harzem; Acar, Leyla; Ergen, ArzuIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]175-179
Oviposition Deterrents in Herbivorous Insects and their potential use in Integrated Pest ManagementKumari, Archana; Kaushik, NutanIJEB Vol.54(03) [March 2016]163-174
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8