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Title: Growth and yield attributes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) as lnfluenced by sowing dates, varieties and levels of phosphorus
Authors: Kumar, Virendra
Gangaiah, B
Issue Date: Dec-2015
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: India is the world's largest producer, importer and consumer of pulses. Over the years, while the country has accumulated a huge surplus of wheat and rice, the pulses remain in short supply. Consequently, the per capita availability of pulses has progressively declined from 65 g a day in year 1961 to merely 39.4 g in year 2011, whereas, availability of cereals has gone up from 399.7 to 423.5 g. The projected pulses requirement by the year 2030 is estimated at about 32 million tons. Pulses are the most economical source of vegetable protein for hilly, tribal and rural populations. Pulses globally can play in advancing health and nutrition, food security and environmental sustainability. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) play a vital role among leguminous crops cultivated in winter season. Chickpea is the premier pulse crop of Indian sub continent. In India, the entire harvested area of chickpea is about 9.6 million hectare with production and productivity are 8.8 million tons and 920 kg/ha, respectively. It is generally grown as a pulse and green vegetable in Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh with 33 percent of the world's area and 22 percent of the production. The demand of green pods of chickpea is remain in peak during December and January particularly in North India. However, green pods of chickpea are available at the end of February in North India and remained in the market till the end of March. Green pods of chickpea transported from southern part to northern part of India at a high price to fulfill the increasing market demand during December-January. During this period weather condition is favourable for chickpea cultivation in south India as compare to North India. Consequently the green pods of chickpea are easily and early available in South India. Hence, transportation and other expenses increase to bring green pods of chickpea from Southern India to North India. Besides, the quality and quantity of green pods of chickpea are also affected adversely. Further, the farmers get only 60 per cent of the prevalent market price of green pods of chickpea. Keeping in the view the above mentioned facts, a field experiment was carried out at the research farm of Division of Agronomy, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi to evaluate the influence of sowing dates, varieties and levels of phosphorus on the growth and yield attributes of chickpea. So that chickpea cultivation may become more profitable and productive to the local farmers. Furthermore, consumers may get fresh, cheap and better quality green pods of chickpea at lower price.
Page(s): 128-131
ISSN: 0975-2412 (Online); 0771-7706 (Print)
Appears in Collections:BVAAP Vol.23(2) [December 2015]

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