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Title: Livelihood promotion through value addition to household traditional Sal (Shorea robusta Gaertn.) leaf plate making in Jharkhand, India
Authors: Islam, M A
Quli, S M S
Rai, R
Singh, P K
Keywords: Jharkhand;Livelihood promotion;Sal leaf plate making;Shorea robusta Gaertn.;Value addition
Issue Date: Dec-2015
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
IPC Code: Int. cl. (2015.01)− A61K 36/00
Abstract: The study sought to investigate the status of traditional Sal leaf plate making, its present livelihood contributions and future prospects through value addition by mechanized moulding among ethnic households engaged in the profession in Bundu block of Ranchi district in Jharkhand, India. The sample villages were selected using random sampling technique and all the households owning cottage industries of Sal leaf plate making were selected as representative respondents for household survey employing purposive sampling technique. The data on production, seasonality, employment generation, income earning and marketing were collected through personal structured interviews and direct observations. Value addition by mechanized pressing of raw Sal leaf plates may increase income by 24100/ household/ yr (96.40 %) and employment by 50 mandays/ household/ yr (12.50 %). Hence, it may be a crucial intervention to accelerate forest resources based livelihood diversifications, promotion and development.
Page(s): 320-325
ISSN: 0976-0512 (Online); 0976-0504 (Print)
Appears in Collections:IJNPR Vol.6(4) [December 2015]

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