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Title: A Productivity Analysis of the Industrial Security in the Mineral Resources Mining Industry
Authors: He, Weida
Sheng, Zhonglin
Hao, Rong
Keywords: Mineral Resources;Industrial Security;Assessment System;Early Warning
Issue Date: Jan-2016
Publisher: NISCAIR-CSIR, India
Abstract: This study elaborates on the evaluating indicator system of mining industry security, and presents a method of combination between entropy and grey relation and makes an assessment of the security situation in China’s mineral mining industry during the period from 2002 to 2009. Then, this study establishes a safety warning model for the mineral resources industry based on BP neural network and simulates the warning of related security conditions. The final analysis finds that warning effect simulation and empirical assessment results of the model are basically the same and this further demonstrate the effectiveness of this study.
Page(s): 14-18
ISSN: 0975-1084 (Online); 0022-4456 (Print)
Appears in Collections:JSIR Vol.75(01) [January 2016]

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