IJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983] : [8] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8
Performance of Rabbit Hair Blends with Cotton and Wool in Khadi SystemArora, R K; Gupta, N P; Patni, P C; Singh, U SIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]127-129
Performance of Rabbit Hair-Wool Blend ShawlsSingh, U S; Arora, R K; Patni, P C; Gupta, N PIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]125-126
Comparative Performance of Open-end Spun Yarn and Ring-spun Yarn In Single Jersey Weft-knitted Hosiery FabricMukherjee, S; Chindalia, S C; Dayal, B L; Goyal, A KIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]121-124
Effect of Blend Composition and Fabric Sett on Some Characteristics of Polyester-Viscose FabricsBhargava, G S; Yadav, R KIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]115-120
Tearing Strength: An Evaluation of Taylor's EquationSharma, I C; Adhikary, D; Jaiswani, O PIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]111-114
Influence of Yarn and Fabric Properties on Tearing Strength of Woven FabricsSharma, I C; Malu, Sudeep; Bhowan, Pankaj; Chandna, SurenderIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]105-110
Nature of Fibre Breakage Caused by the Combing Roller of a Rotor SpinnerSalhotra, K R; Chattopadhyay, RIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]101-104
Nep Generation with Polynosic Fibres in Relation to Surface Characteristics of FibreRakshit, A K; Balasubramanian, NIJFTR Vol.08(4) [December 1983]95-100
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 8 of 8