IJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983] : [7] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7
Thermal Studies on Cellobiose in NitrogenJain, Rajesh K; Lal, Krishan; Bhatnagar, Hari LIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]55-58
Relationship between Stelometer Breaking Elongation and Fineness and MaturityMakwana, D N; Munshi, V GIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]52-54
Effect of Yarn Structure on Fabric StiffnessBhargava, G SIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]48-51
Effect of Wet Processing Parameters and Type of Weave on the Shrinkage of Polyester/Viscose Blend FabricsSharma, I C; Pandey, Vijay; Thakur, Sarvesh; Ojha, S PIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]42-47
Influence of Fibre Parameters on the Migration and Blend Characteristics of Rotor Spun YarnsSengupta, A K; Dutta, B; Radhakrishnaiah, PIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]40-41
Influence of Process and Machine Variables on the Blend Characteristics of Rotor Spun YarnsSengupta, A K; Dutta, B; Radhakrishnaiah, PIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]37-39
Particulate Soiling and Soil Release Behaviour of Silk FabricKumar, Raj; Dave, Jayshree KIJFTR Vol.08(2) [June 1983]29-36
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7