IJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983] : [7] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7
Study of Bending Characteristics of Knitted Fabrics Using Cantilever MethodArora, R K; Parthasarathy, SIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]27-28
Fibre Fineness of Some Corriedale Crossbred Sheep WoolsPatni, P C; Bapna, D L; Parthasarathy, S; Gupta, V KIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]25-26
Surface Studies on Amine-treated Polyethylene Terephthalate FilamentsChand, NavinIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]23-24
Assessment of Crease Recovery Values of Textile Fabrics by Different InstrumentsSubramanian, S; Phalgumani, G R; Manjunatha, B R; Sitaram, M S; Shringarpure, A W; Bhatt, I GIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]16-22
The Objective Specification of the Handle of Men's Suiting Materials: A Comparison of Fabric Handle Assessments in India, Australia, Japan arid New ZealandDhingra, R C; Mahar, T J; Postle, R; Gupta, V B; Kawabata, S; Niwa, M; Carnaby, G AIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]9-15
In situ Polymerization-A Technique for Improving Printability and Soil Release Properties of Polyester/Cellulose BlendsDeshpande, S D; Chavan, R BIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]6-8
Effect of Yarn Type, Sett and Kind of Huck-a-back Weave on Some Characteristics of Towelling FabricsBhargava, G S; Mahajan, S; Tondon, S; Gupta, RIJFTR Vol.08(1) [March 1983]1-5
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 7 of 7