IJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Iterative ACORN as a high throughput tool in structural genomicsSelvanayagam, S; Velmurugan, D; Yamane, TIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]211-216
Hydrogen production by photosynthetic green algaeGhirardi, Maria LIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]201-210
Correlation between biochemical properties and adaptive diversity of skeletal muscle myofibrils and myosin of some air-breathing teleostsAhmad, Riaz; Hasnain, Absar-ulIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]217-225
Preparation of prospective plant oil derived micro-emulsion vehicles for drug deliveryGupta, Syamasri; Sanyal, S K; Datta, S; Moulik, S PIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]254-257
Nitric oxide levels during erythroid differentiation in K562 cell lineKüçükkaya, B; Öztürk, G; Yalçıntepe, LIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]251-253
Isolation of stress responsive Psb A gene from rice (Oryza sativa L.) using differential displayTyagi, Aruna; Chandra, ArtiIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]244-246
Physical, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopic studies of urolithsKumar, Naveen; Singh, Praveen; Kumar, SatishIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]226-232
A p53-like protein from a freshwater mollusc Lamellidens corrianusMohanty, B PIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]247-250
Purification of a peroxidase from Solanum melongena fruit juiceVernwal, S K; Yadav, R S S; Yadav, K D SIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]239-243
Evaluation of water binding, seed coat permeability and germination characteristics of wheat seeds equilibrated at different relative humiditiesChatterjee, Nabamita; Nagarajan, ShanthaIJBB Vol.43(4) [August 2006]233-238
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10