JSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015] : [9] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9
Isolation, Screening and Optimization of Xylanase Production in Submerged Fermentation Using P.citrinum.Ghoshal, G; Banerjee, U C; Shivhare, U SJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]400-405
A Novel Approach to Solve Unit Commitment and Economic Load Dispatch Problem using IDE-OBLSurekha, P; Sumathi, SJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]395-399
Experimental comparison on efficiency of alkaline hydrolysis reaction in circular microreactors over conventional batch reactorAntony, R; Nandagopal, M S G; Manikrishna, C; Selvaraju, NJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]390-394
Optimization of Test Case Design in Rational Quality Manager – A Software Testing ToolKumar, A N; Geetha, B GJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]387-389
Effect of Blending of Sisal on Pulp Properties of Waste Papers in Handmade PapermakingBehera, S; Patel, S; Mishra, B KJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]416-422
Comprehensive Estimation of the Economic Security of Logistics Industry— Based on DEA ModelHao, Rong; He, Weida; Zhang, ChuanJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]381-386
A New Method of Maximum Power Point Tracking for Maximizing the Power Generation from an SPV PlantSivaraman, P; Nirmalkumar, AJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]411-415
A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Job Scheduling In Computational GridsKumar, E S; Sumathi, A; Zubar, H AJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]377-380
Study on Physiological Effects on Palm Oil Mill Workers Exposed to Extreme Heat ConditionNurIzzate, S; Bahri, M T S; Karmegam, K; Guan, N YJSIR Vol.74(07) [July 2015]406-410
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 9 of 9