BVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Water requirement and management for agricultural cropsSinghal, Yogesh KumarBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]136-139
Impact of watershed development programme on traditional tank system in semi arid region of South India: A Case StudySingh, A K; Rao, M S Rama Mohan; Adhikari, R NBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]130-135
Management of water resources: A Case study of Waghad Irrigation ProjectKulkarni, G R; Chaudhary, I S; Velkare, S M; Kavle, B TBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]123-129
Advanced techniques available for water purificationSharma, Mukesh Kumar; Sharma, Babita; Goel, Rakesh; Prasad, BeenaBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]120-122
Water in deserts and public participationSingh, Yatveer; Rathore, D SBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]114-119
Application of water resources through use of remote sensing and geographic information systemAhmed, Tanveer; Jain, S K; Aggarwal, P K; Rathore, D SBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]107-113
Constitutional provisions and international & interstate water disputes in IndiaAggarwal, P K; Jain, S KBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]102-106
Hazards of rising nitrate and fluoride in ground water and their managementOzha, D D; Bhatt, H RBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]94-101
Carbon/carbon composite vaneRaunija, Thakur Sudesh Kumar; Mathew, Mariamma; Sharma, Sharad ChandraBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]87-93
Effect of heat shrinkable film packing on Kandhari and Bhagwa varieties of pomegranateSharma, Ram Roshan; Sagar, Vidhya Ram; Kumar, Kuldeep; Kumar, JayantBVAAP Vol.22(2) [December 2014]83-86
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10