IJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009] : [13] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13
Performance evaluation of an effluent treatment plant for a pulp & paper millMishra, Deepti; Khan, Mohd Akram; Mudgal, Manish; Padmakaran, Prabha; Chakradhar, BIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]79-83
Simple and facile methods for the determination of carvedilol in pharmaceuticalsSreevidya, T V; Narayana, BIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]74-78
Kinetics of tween-80 micellar catalysed chloramine-T oxidation of vitamins in HClO₄ mediumShukla, Varuna; Upadhyay, Santosh KIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]46-51
Fatty acid triazoles derived from Neem, Rice bran and Karanja oils as corrosion inhibitors for mild steelToliwal, S D; Jadav, KalpeshIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]32-37
Thin layer chromatographic study of Indian bauxitesNajar, P A Mohamed; Janbandhu, K R; Bhukte, P G; Mishra, R SIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]65-73
Anaerobic biogas generation from sugar industry wastewaters in three-phase fluidized-bed bioreactorHossain, Sk Masud; Anantharaman, N; Das, ManasIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]58-64
Corrosion protection of copper by self assembled monolayersRao, B V Appa; Kumar, K Chaitanya; Iqbal, Md Yakub; Sreedhar, BIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]25-31
Spectrophotometric determination of nitrite using new coupling agentsVeena, K; Narayana, BIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]89-92
Effects of alkaline additives on conversion of 2,4,5-trichlorophenol over Pd-Rh/C catalystsPozan, Gülin SeldaIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]52-57
Effect of column diameter on dynamics of gas-solid fluidized bed: A statistical approachMohanty, Y K; Roy, G K; Biswal, K CIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]17-24
Removal of Cu and Pb ions from aqueous solutions by electric furnace slag: Kinetic and thermodynamic aspectsĆurković, Lidija; Trgo, Marina; Mioč, Alenka Rastovčan; Medvidović, Nediljka VukojevićIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]84-88
Rhodamine B adsorption by activated carbon: Kinetic and equilibrium studiesHema, M; Arivoli, SIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]38-45
Stability and response analyses of phenol degrading biochemical systemsDutta, Susmita; Chowdhury, Ranjana; Bhattacharya, PinakiIJCT Vol.16(1) [January 2009]7-16
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 13 of 13