JSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014] : [10] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
Adelfa (NOME - Nerium Oil Methyl Ester) with DEE as the fuel additive for NOx reduction in DI Diesel engines – An experimental investigationKumar, A R P; Annamalai, K; Premkartikkumar, S RJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]627-632
Effect of antioxidants and storage temperatures on browning and quality of custard apple (Annona squamosa L.) pulpKumhar, D S; Pareek, S; Ameta, K DJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]622-626
A new RP-HPLC method for separation and determination of process related impurities in Pioglitazone Hydrochloride APISrinivasulu, D; Sastry, B S; Prakash, G O; Archana, D N S SJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]618-621
Foliar nutrient management through Kappaphycus and Gracilaria saps in rice-potato-green gram crop sequencePramanick, B; Brahmachari, K; Ghosh, A; Zodape, S TJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]613-617
Antioxidant Activity and Quality of Spray Dried Aonla Powder as Affected by Storage Behavior of JuiceBhattacherjee, A K; Tandon, D K; Dikshit, AJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]607-612
Flame Retardant and Antimicrobial Ligno-cellulosic Fabric using Sodium Metasilicate NonahydrateBasak, S; Samanta, K K; Chattopadhyay, S K; Das, S; Narkar, R; Narkar, R; Dsouza, C; Shaikh, A HJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]601-606
Methyl termination and ATR-FTIR evaluation of n-Si (111) electrode towards photoelectrochemical cell fabricationOhtake, ToshihitoJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]598-600
Effect of Nutritional Supplementation of Solid State Fermentation Medium on Biosynthesis of Phytase from Aspergillus niger NCIM 612Das, S; Ghosh, UJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]593-597
HACCP model of kinema, a fermented soybean foodRai, R; Kharel, N; Tamang, J PJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]588-592
Analysis of the performance-improvement due to a new receiver for baseband telecommunications, and development of a fast predictive modelAhuja, A K; Chakka, RJSIR Vol.73(09) [September 2014]577-587
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10