ALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976] : [12] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12
Manpower development for information workRajan, T NALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]149-155
Development of computer-based information services in IndiaRaizada, A SALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]141-148
Branch information systemRajagopalan, T SALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]129-140
Towards evolving a national information system in health and medical sciencesDabral, C; Bhatt, M KALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]123-128
Developing a national information system in the he fields of health, medicine and family planningSanyal, R KALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]109-122
Climatological information for national developmentRao, D KrishnaALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]105-108
Towards the evolution of an information system for national water resources evaluation, development, management and planningSonavane, N K; Amble, V NALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]99-104
Indian agricultural data and informationPhadnis, S P; Ahsan, Abu ShoaibALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]87-98
Information system for agricultural sectorParikh, Kirit SALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]48-86
Agricultural information systemsBose, P CALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]45-47
Information systems in the field of nuclear science and technology, with special reference to library and information services of BARC and its role in the development of atomic energy for peaceful purposes in IndiaKamath, V AALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]24-44
Development Science Information System (DEVSIS)Neelameghan, AALIS Vol.23(1) [March 1976]5-23
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 12 of 12