ALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978] : [20] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20
District libraries in Himachal Pradedh : A surveyMalhan, I V; Thakar, G SALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]122-131
Reporting of the Indian social science periodical literature in international abstracting servicesSatish, N GALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]117-121
Agricultural information network in IndiaMohan, SurendarALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]110-116
Fungal attack on books : A reportNarayana, G J; Desai, H G; Joseph, LALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]106-109
Maintenance of periodicals collection: A statistical case studyGupta, R C; Jayaraman, N; Krishanlal; Ravindran, C CALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]101-105
Journal acquisition and cost-effectiveness in a special library : A case studyRaghavan, K SALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]98-100
Designing a computerised catalogue using CobolSadhu, AshokALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]93-97
Plate tectonics: A study of transmission of ideasGupta, D KALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]86-92
Automated system for generating thesaurus from subject representationsDevadason, F J; Balasubramanian, VALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]79-85
Selection of secondary information servicesGupta, D KALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]75-78
Iranian documentation centreUmapathy, K SettyALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]72-74
Aerospace information system in India: A proposed planTaneja, S KALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]68-71
Meeting the information needs of research scientists – A sample analysis of INSDOC document supply servicesYadav, R S; Karanjai, ArunaALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]62-67
Studies of chemical literature and changes in the ranking of periodicals by citation analysis of data for 1967-76Singh, MohinderALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]55-61
Giants in library and information scienceChakraborty, A R; Chakraborty, BALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]52-54
Bioresearch planning and information needs for biomedical scientists in IndiaSengupta, I NALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]48-51
Use pattern of Indian institute of technology Delhi library : A surveySaha, KarunaALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]38-47
PERT/CPM- Its application to library and information systemsRao, M K DhirendraALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]31-37
Growth of Indian scientific periodicals 1788-1965 : An outline of a comprehensive bibliographySen, B KALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]22-30
Library and information science curriculum development: A surveyGupta, P KALIS Vol.25(1-4) [March-December 1978]3-21
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 20